The Heavens declare your glory
and the earth your great richness.
The Universe is your temple,
your presence fills all eternity.
In your great love and pleasure,
you created us for yourself.
You have given us life and everything therein.
In you we live and move and have our being.
In your divine providence you establish boundaries
and administer the affairs of all humanity.
We thank you unceasingly for the richness you bestowed upon us in Jesus,
and for the clear revelation of Him in your Word;
where we behold his person, character, grace,
humiliation, sufferings, death and resurrection.
May we constantly be reminded of our great need for our great Savior.
May the first words on our lips always be, "May mercy on me, a sinner."
We come to you this morning in great humility,
knowing that we have nothing to offer, no words, no works, no worthiness.
But only the unsurpassed glory and greatness of being found in Him
who was, and is, and is to come;
the mighty name above all others,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Taken from "God the Source of All Good," in The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers. Wording adapted by Aaron Elmore.
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