Monday, May 3, 2010

Are you still amazed by God's grace?

I have been given the opportunity to lead communion at our church a few times over the past several weeks. We practice communion every week in this tradition. This portion of the service involves giving a brief meditation followed by the words of institution (typically 1 Cor. 11). The following was the meditation I shared a few weeks ago:

As we prepare to come to the Lord's table this morning, I want us all to examine ourselves and make sure that we dont go into "auto-pilot" mode just because we do this every week. I would like for each of us to ask ourselves a very simple question, "Am I still amazed by God's grace?" Or has it become normal, commonplace, perhaps even ordinary? Am I in danger of the kind of self-righteousness that begins to think that I am somehow worthy, deserving, or even entitled to God's grace?

The truth is we can never be good enough, we will never be worthy in and or ourselves. But the beauty of grace is that God knows all my sin--past, present, and future--my pride, selfishness, anger, laziness, greed, bitterness, sinful thoughts...all of it, and yet he still looks down from heaven and says, "My child, I love you, put your faith and trust in me. My grace is sufficient to cover all that!"

That is the grace of God, it is powerful. May we never cease to be amazed by it. So, this morning we remember and we celebrate the grace of God as we come to the table.

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